Risk Management and Risk Registers Bob Goodfellow | Aldea Services

Quantitative Cost and Schedule Risk AnalysesMatt Koziol | Schnabel Engineering

Instrumentation and Monitoring Zhangwei Ning | Sixense

Tunneling in Urban Areas Nasri Munfah | Gall Zeidler Consultants

GBR Fundamentals Ike Isaacson | Brierley Associates

Update of the ASCE ‘Platinum’ Book Randy Essex, Mott MacDonald

Contractual Issues Related to GBRs David Hatem | Donovan Hatem

Successful Arbitration of International Construction Disputes Randy Hafer | Kilpatrick Townsend

Underground Risk Management through Surety Kevin Baird, Flood Peterson

The Evolution of the Tunneling Industry and How it is Shaping Owner and Contractor Viewpoints on Risk Allocation Nick Zaita and Steven Weber | Peckar & Abramson

Risk Management for CMAR & GC/CM Delivery Don Del Nero, Vice President and Tunnel Engineering Director | WSP and Erika P. Moonin, P.E., D.WRE

Progressive Design Build: Atlanta Plane Train Tunnel Jacob Coibion

Legal Issues Panel Discussion

Contractor Submittals for Underground ProjectsDr. Gary S. Brierley | Brierley Associates